Techno festival on nude beach Zandvoort (NL) may continue, the local Christian party tried to prevent it but failed

Loveland Beach

Zandvoort – A techno feast on the usually so peaceful nude beach? The local CDA (Christian party) in Zandvoort tried to prevent it.

The party submitted questionnaires regarding the requested license for the Loveland Beach festival. The festival would inconvenience and would not match the character of the nude beach, which is a nature reserve.

The municipality did not agree with the objections. Also, the destination plan allows occasional festivals on this part of the beach. Therefore, Friday they decided to grant the license for the festival.

Good news for the organization and the people who had already bought a ticket: Early Birds and regular tickets are already sold out. On the Facebook page of the event, more than 1200 people are now “attending”.

Depending on the weather, the festival will be held on Sunday 10th or Sunday 17th September.

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